From November 26 to 28, the first edition of the documentary film festival on women's sports : "Les Sportives en lumière", took place. This festival aimed to promote women's sports, which suffer from a lack of visibility.
During these three days, ten documentary films were in competition for a prize.
The documentaries presented were the following :
Winter Tracks : a documentary about Jenni Hiirikoski, a Finnish ice hockey player who dreams of playing in the Olympics
Sportives : le parcours médiatique des combattantes : this documentary film highlights the difficult journey of various sportswomen, from their search for a sponsor to media coverage
Mamies Foot : a documentary about French grannies who have never touched a ball and who are preparing to face the "Grannies", a team of South African grannies
En terrain libre : a documentary told through the testimonies of the players of the Red Star of Saint-Ouen, who seek their place as women between the soccer field and their neighborhoods
Mariah : a boxer’s dream : the story of Mariah Bahe, a 16-year-old Native American boxer, who dreams of representing the United States by competing in the Olympics
The Z team : a former Olympic basketball champion comes to help and coach a Mexican team
The power of one : the history of the only Olympic medal won by Montenegro in women's handball
By her rules (out of competition) : a documentary about 5 young Pakistani girls who are passionate about cricket and have decided to live with their rules.
La Roue libre : a group of women who use cycling to regain confidence and overcome their fears
Marion Poitevin : une femme tout là-haut : the story of Marion, one of the few female mountain rescuers
Gagner des centimètres – Toutes Sport : a documentary that traces the journey of 3 women from priority neighbourhoods
The members of the jury: Vincent Duluc, Guillaume Priou, Karen Chataîgner, Patrick Ibry, Jérémy Marc and Anne-Cécile Genre, had the difficult task of electing the four big winners of this Festival.
The members of the jury: Vincent Duluc, Guillaume Priou, Karen Chataîgner, Patrick Ibry, Jérémy Marc and Anne-Cécile Genre, had the difficult task of electing the four big winners of this Festival.
The four awards were :
- Le Grand Prix Alice Milliat, in partnership with the Banque Palatine has been awarded to Mamies Foot
- Le Prix de la meilleure image, in partnership with the National Sport Museum has been awarded to Mariah : a boxer’s dream
- Le Prix de la meilleure réalisation, in partnership with Nice's town has been awarded to En terrain libre
- Le Prix Coup de Cœur du jury was awarded to Gagner des centimètres
Guillaume Priou, rédacteur en chef chez Brut; co-réalisateur du film "Je ne suis pas une salope, je suis une journaliste"; et Président du jury de cette première édition, précise que : "Ce premier festival est une très bonne initiative et un bel outil pour donner de la visibilité au sport féminin. Comme toutes les bonnes idées, on se demande pourquoi cela n’existait pas avant ! C’était un vrai plaisir de présider cette première édition et de voir tous ces documentaires qui nous ont donné beaucoup d’émotions durant ces trois jours. Le documentaire est un beau format pour valoriser le sport au féminin, il a ce rôle de faire passer des messages, d’attirer notre attention et d’éveiller les consciences"