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On October 29, the first Alice Milliat Awards ceremony took place in Nantes. This evening aimed to highlight different actors who have worked daily for the place of women in sport and gender equality. It was also an opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the International Women's Sports Federation, which was founded on October 31, 2021 thanks to Alice Milliat. These protagonists of the sport gathered to celebrate the evolution of Alice Milliat's fight.

Six prizes were awarded to recognize those who have made a difference :

- The Trophy of the association, in partnership with the Agence Nationale du Sport, was won by Famosport, for their project around the development of women sport in the priority districts, and the dynamization of these districts.

- The Nantes OMS Trophy, in partnership with the Fédération Nationale des Offices Municipaux du Sport, was won by the ASPTT Nantes for their project "Le sport donne des elles".

- The Media Award in partnership with the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS), was given to Ouest France for the implementation of a newsletter dedicated to women's sports named "sportives", since 2018.

- The Sports Partner Trophy, in partnership with Sporsora, was won by Butagaz Energie for their naming of the women's handball league, the first naming contract for a women's competition when it is signed in 2019.

- The Personality Award, in partnership with Sport et Citoyenneté, was given to Nodjialem Myaro for having allowed the signing of a collective agreement to organize and guarantee the rights of female players.

- The "Coup de Coeur" award from the jury and the Alice Milliat collective, was won by Sine Qua Non, for their involvement in the fight against sexist and sexual violence in sport, through the Sine Qua Non Run.

A look back at the 1st Alice Milliat Awards ceremony :

A l’issue de cette cérémonie, une campagne #MerciAlice a été lancée, pour remercier ce qu’à fait cette pionnière du sport féminin à son époque, et continuer son combat.

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